A fast-growing, and profuse flowering open shrub to about 3m that occurs across a number of habitats locally including Dry and Wet Forest. However, on the coastal cliff top it is found infrequently in Coastal Heathland toward Bells where growth rarely exceeds 2m.
The species name daphnoides means resembling the Daphne genus.
Leaves are flat, wedge-shaped with a small point (mucro) extending along the midrib at leaf apex; dark green above lighter below.
Flowering occurs in spring with forest-shaded plants flowering later than those on the coast.
Flowers are borne at the end of branchlets in terminal clusters. Each pea-flower is bright yellow with brownish-red streaks at the centre.
Adapted to shade or full sun; tolerant of dry conditions but lengthy dryness reduces plant longevity.
Like many fast-growing plants the best shape and flowering occurs in younger plants.